Sunday, January 25, 2009

Perhaps the Pants Piddlers Should Have Read This List

Over at they have a list of 9 ways to deal with fear.  Now if only the NeoCons, and other officals of the former administration had read this, perhaps we wouldn't have had all the fear driven piddling in our officals pants.  In turn we may not have had all the law breaking.  Nor would we have had all the spying on innocent citizens and peaceful groups.  Maybe, just maybe, there might not be a problem of what to do with the current involuntary inhabitants of Gitmo. 

See without fear we, as a nation, might have treated the people currently in custody as criminals.  Instead, fear drove our leaders to make them in to martyers and heroes of what madness they espouse, and fear drove us citizens to allow our leaders to do this.  I think we as a nation need to take the advice of item number three which is to Face Fear Directly, to heart.  One of the ways to do this is for us 'to stare (fear) right in the face and smell its stinky breath.'  The other action I might suggest, we as a nation do, is realize that the problems we face today are no worse than problems we, as a nation, have faced in the past. 

Our grandparents dealt with the Great Depression, the rise of Fascism and Communism, relativily at the same time.  Our parents dealt with Vietnam, the struggle for Civil Rights, and Riots in Watts, and Chicago, relativily at the same time. 

We are Americans.  We meet changes with grit, humor, love, tears, strength of character, moral courage, and with the belief that the ideals our Founding Fathers gave to us are right.  They are ideals worth fighting for.  They are worth dying for.  They are worth holding on to, no matter what the world brings to our door.

So here is not being afraid anymore.  Here is to standing up for our Nation's ideals.   

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