Here is my reply to the email I received hitting me up for money for
Dear Harry,
At every turn you have cowered to the Republicans: FISA, Wall Street Bail out, Letting Auto Industry teeter on verge of bankruptcy, not holding hearings on torture, letting Lieberman retain Homeland Security Chairmanship.
Now you want me to give you money to save you in 2010? Think again. I and many progressives do not want you as leader of the Senate. If that means losing your seat, then so be it.
You need to realize that we are not like the supporters of the right. We will not settle for failed promises. We will not settle for the shredding of the Constitution-especially after the victory WE handed YOU in 2006 and again in 2008. We will not settle for traitors like Joe Lieberman in our caucus. We will not settle for you allowing holds from Republican Senators to continue (see Inhofe hold for example), but undermine holds by Democratic Senators (see Wyden hold and Dodd hold as examples).
You see Harry we have the internet. We can communicate in almost real time. We can raise huge amounts of money if we wish. We can mobilize thousands in an afternoon. And just as easily, we can sit on our hands and do nothing, like you have on the issues that are important. Issues that are not only important to us progressives, but to the country as a whole, the world even.
You know the reason we do what we do? We do it because we love our country. That is not to say others love it less, or more. No! I say this because it is true. We are passionate about America. We love everything good, decent, honorable and noble for which She stands. We love Her so much that we must point out Her flaws, not to bash Her, but so that She can live up to those lofty ideals. So that we can live up to those ideals. We love Her so much that when we see thieves, and crooks, and traitors sully Her name, Her ideals, we must stand up and SHOUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
And so I say to you Harry before I give money, or my time, or make phone calls, or write letters for you, you need to STAND AND SHOUT WITH US. Until YOU do I shall give you Nothing.
William C. Burns
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