First there is Chris Hitchens blaming regular, everyday American citizens for any, and all torture that may have been carried out by the Bush Administration (Hat tip to Eli at HuffingtonPost).
Second up is Phil Bronstein bemoaning how mean everyone has been to former President Bush and we should all just leave him alone to ride off into the Texas sunset.
As Eli points out if We citizens were demanding that terrorists be tortured, why did the Bush administration deny the US tortured over and over. Why did the Bush administration jump through such tortured linguistic, pretzel shaped hoops when it came to the issue of prisoner treatment? They called it "putting them in stress positions", or enhanced interrogation techniques or "rough interrogation" or "alternative set of procedures." Paging Mr. Orwell. Your dictionary of of "Double Speak" can now be updated for the 21st Century. Well at least the examples for today's readers could be illustrated with headlines and journalistic copy from the last 8 years or so.
I am certain that some Americans supported the use of torture, probably many could be found in the 20+ percent which hold the former president is high esteem. But more of us spoke out against it and, or supported efforts to end it.
I hope the thing Hitchens pulls from his nether region next is not an affront to those of us who didn't piddle our pants after 9/11. I hope it is not an affront to those of us who thought we should treat the master minds, supporters, agents, and others as the criminals they are, and not turn them into war heroes and martyrs. Perhaps with this first step Hitch can eventually work his way to actually speaking and writing with some intelligence. I am sure we will have a new President before some thing like this actually taking place.
Then there is the curious column Phil Bronstein posted on; in it he castigates those individuals, who took glee in the repudiation Prez 44 laid on former prez 43. Of course that repudiation hurt some feelings as Bronstein tells us. He quotes Bush loyalist and former aide Karen Hughes as saying, "[T]here were a few sharp elbows that really rankled and. . . (the incoming Prez was) not as magnanimous as the occasion called for . . ."
Well Boo F-ing Hoo Karen. As we heard from your corner after the 2004 match-up "elections have consequences." This election, like the one in 2006, was a strong repudiation of Bush and most of his policies.
And then after Bronstein goes into a back and forth between the two sides, before declaring, [T]he Bush dynasty is probably done. Let it go." We, the people should just forget all the torture committed, all the illegal spying, the politicization of the Justice Department, and that is just the stuff we know about.
As some one pointed out in the comments and I am paraphrasing, we were suppose to forget Prescott Bush trading with the Nazi's after Dec. 11th 1941-hint Germany declared war on the US that day. Then the nation was suppose to forget the destruction rought by Joe McCarthy and his show trials. We are then suppose to forget Nixon and Watergate and all the other illegal activites, such as spying on American citizens without cause or warrent. Of course then we got Iran-Contra, and once more the leaders implored us, the American people, to forget it ever happened. Pardons were issued in order to better help us, the American people, move forward and to look ahead. Then many of the minor players from Nixon/Ford White House go on to orchestrate the grand tragedy which we now find ourselves emeshed in.
As I am writing this I just noticed that every single item involves a Republican or Republican Administration. I know the Dems are not Saint. But why does America consistantly finding it must move on for the good of the country after Republican Administrations? Perhaps the Republicans should clean up their act before they can govern. But I digress.
I for one do not want "to move on for the good of the Nation." The Nation will not be better off if we move forward. The Constitution and our laws will not mean anything if we don't stand up for them, and hold those who harm them accountable. Our Founder's efforts and sacrifices to build a Nation of laws will not be honored, if we walk away. Nor will this Nation stand long for those ideals for the next generation, or for the world, if we allow people to walk away with out answering for what they have done. For the good of the Nation, we must persue all illegal activities and war crimes; we must have a full accounting of those activities and those who perpetrating them on this Nation and the World. It won't be easy and it won't be pleasant, but it is the best thing for the Nation.
Well I guess I figured out which fool I will not suffer.
Second up is Phil Bronstein bemoaning how mean everyone has been to former President Bush and we should all just leave him alone to ride off into the Texas sunset.
As Eli points out if We citizens were demanding that terrorists be tortured, why did the Bush administration deny the US tortured over and over. Why did the Bush administration jump through such tortured linguistic, pretzel shaped hoops when it came to the issue of prisoner treatment? They called it "putting them in stress positions", or enhanced interrogation techniques or "rough interrogation" or "alternative set of procedures." Paging Mr. Orwell. Your dictionary of of "Double Speak" can now be updated for the 21st Century. Well at least the examples for today's readers could be illustrated with headlines and journalistic copy from the last 8 years or so.
I am certain that some Americans supported the use of torture, probably many could be found in the 20+ percent which hold the former president is high esteem. But more of us spoke out against it and, or supported efforts to end it.
I hope the thing Hitchens pulls from his nether region next is not an affront to those of us who didn't piddle our pants after 9/11. I hope it is not an affront to those of us who thought we should treat the master minds, supporters, agents, and others as the criminals they are, and not turn them into war heroes and martyrs. Perhaps with this first step Hitch can eventually work his way to actually speaking and writing with some intelligence. I am sure we will have a new President before some thing like this actually taking place.
Then there is the curious column Phil Bronstein posted on; in it he castigates those individuals, who took glee in the repudiation Prez 44 laid on former prez 43. Of course that repudiation hurt some feelings as Bronstein tells us. He quotes Bush loyalist and former aide Karen Hughes as saying, "[T]here were a few sharp elbows that really rankled and. . . (the incoming Prez was) not as magnanimous as the occasion called for . . ."
Well Boo F-ing Hoo Karen. As we heard from your corner after the 2004 match-up "elections have consequences." This election, like the one in 2006, was a strong repudiation of Bush and most of his policies.
And then after Bronstein goes into a back and forth between the two sides, before declaring, [T]he Bush dynasty is probably done. Let it go." We, the people should just forget all the torture committed, all the illegal spying, the politicization of the Justice Department, and that is just the stuff we know about.
As some one pointed out in the comments and I am paraphrasing, we were suppose to forget Prescott Bush trading with the Nazi's after Dec. 11th 1941-hint Germany declared war on the US that day. Then the nation was suppose to forget the destruction rought by Joe McCarthy and his show trials. We are then suppose to forget Nixon and Watergate and all the other illegal activites, such as spying on American citizens without cause or warrent. Of course then we got Iran-Contra, and once more the leaders implored us, the American people, to forget it ever happened. Pardons were issued in order to better help us, the American people, move forward and to look ahead. Then many of the minor players from Nixon/Ford White House go on to orchestrate the grand tragedy which we now find ourselves emeshed in.
As I am writing this I just noticed that every single item involves a Republican or Republican Administration. I know the Dems are not Saint. But why does America consistantly finding it must move on for the good of the country after Republican Administrations? Perhaps the Republicans should clean up their act before they can govern. But I digress.
I for one do not want "to move on for the good of the Nation." The Nation will not be better off if we move forward. The Constitution and our laws will not mean anything if we don't stand up for them, and hold those who harm them accountable. Our Founder's efforts and sacrifices to build a Nation of laws will not be honored, if we walk away. Nor will this Nation stand long for those ideals for the next generation, or for the world, if we allow people to walk away with out answering for what they have done. For the good of the Nation, we must persue all illegal activities and war crimes; we must have a full accounting of those activities and those who perpetrating them on this Nation and the World. It won't be easy and it won't be pleasant, but it is the best thing for the Nation.
Well I guess I figured out which fool I will not suffer.
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