Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is This the End of Big Software Companies?

Now I am not the most technologically advanced guy.  I have never rushed out for the gadget or application du jour.  But I am tired of sub-standard Windows' products, the crashing of my computer due to said product, as well as being vulnerable to computer hacks, phishing attacks, viruses, and malware.  Yet, lacking the savvy to venture into Linux land, I am stuck with whatever fiendish operating system the boys from Seattle put out. 

I know that Linux is more stable; but I am not comfortable using it.  Or attempting to install it.  I know how to work with XP and Vista.  And with all the open software out there I have upgraded to better products.  For all that, I would love to try Linux.  Now maybe I can.

Matt Asay
over at cnet news has written about Novell's Suse Studio which allows "both standardization and customization of a Linux distribution."  If I am reading this right, what I believe this to mean is that people around the world can basically make their own operation system using Suse Studio and Linux and distribute it.  Now I won't be one of the multitude who will untake such a project.  But I am one that, as time goes by and the problems are hashed out and super smart people put super great products on the market, will try it.

Perhaps the behemoth software companies won't go the way of the North American Passenger Pigeon, however I believe this make them put out better products and maybe lower their prices.  Also, I believe it will lead to more people, at least, trying out Linux.  As my parents taught me trying new things is almost never a bad thing.

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